Association for Moral Education

Templeton World Foundation

Templeton World Foundation

John Templeton Foundation

University of Navarra

University of Missouri-St. Louis


Esta es una selección de artículos académicos que apoyan e inspiran el diseño de nuestro enfoque y servicios.

Bernal, A., González-Torres, M. C., & Naval, C. (2015). La Educación del carácter: Perspectivas internacionales. Participación Educativa, 4(6), 34–45.

Naval, C., Bernal, A., Sobrino, Á., Dabdoub, J. P., & Varela, A. (2018). Questions and Answers Regarding Character Education in Latin-American Countries (Mexico, Colombia and Argentina). An Exploratory Delphi Study. Edetania, 53, 23–44.

Berkowitz, M., Bier, M., & Dabdoub, J. P. (2024). PRIMED for character across the globe. In L. Nucci, T. Krettenauer, & W. Thompson (Eds.), Handbook of Moral and Character Education (pp. 234–245). Routledge.

Berkowitz, M.,  & Bier, M. (2024). The PRIMED approach to character education. In M.D. Matthews & R.M. Lerner (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development, Volume I: Conceptualizing and Defining Character (pp. 104-120)

Berkowitz, M. W., Battistich, V. A., & Bier, M. C. (2021). What Works in Character Education: What Is Known and What Needs to Be Known. In L. P. Nucci & D. Narvaez (Eds.), Handbook of Moral and Character Education (pp. 430–447). Routledge.

Berkowitz, M., Bier, M., & McCauley, B. (2017). Towards a Science of Character Education. Frameworks for Identifying and Implementing Effective Practices. Journal of Character Education, 13(1), 33–51.

Berkowitz, M., & Bier, M. (2007). What works in character education. Journal of Research in Character Education, 5(1), 29–48.

Dabdoub, J. P. (2021). Brief history of values clarification: Origin, development, downfall, and reflections. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 79(279), 289–304.

Dabdoub, J. P. (2020). El enfoque del desarrollo cognitivo de la educación moral de Kohlberg: Retos y resultados. In C. Naval, A. Bernal, G. Jover, J. L. Fuentes, & A. R. Cárdenas (Eds.), Una acción educativa pensada. Reflexiones desde la filosofía de la educación (pp. 197–205). Dykinson.

Dabdoub, J. P., & Berkowitz, M. W. (2024). Reasoning and disposition at the core of moral development: Where Kohlberg and Aristotle meet. In D. Fasko & F. Fair (Eds.), Critical thinking in moral development: Philosophy, psychology, education, and assessment. Brill.

Dabdoub, J. P., Berkowitz, M. W., Keces, N., & Salaverría, A. R. (2024). Justice: Where Aristotle and Kohlberg meet. In M. D. Matthews & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development: Volume 1. Conceptualizing and Defining Character (pp. 421–438). Routledge.

Dabdoub, J. P., Salgado, D., Bernal, A., Berkowitz, M. W., & Salaverría, A. R. (2023). Redesigning schools for effective character education through leadership: The case of PRIMED Institute and vLACE. Journal of Moral Education.

Dabdoub, J. P., Salaverría, A. R., & Berkowitz, M. W. (2023). Identifying practices to promote character development in university residential settings: The case of Colegios Mayores. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 81(284), 171–189.

Dabdoub, J. P., Salaverría, A. R., Berkowitz, M. W., & Naval, C. (2022). Leveraging Colegios Mayores for Character Development. The 10th Annual Jubilee Center for Character and Virtues Conference.

Dabdoub, J. P., Naval, C., & Bernal, A. (2020). El declive de la educación del carácter en Estados Unidos durante el siglo XX. Pedagogia et Vita, 78(2), 92–109.
