Ponemos a tu disposición una serie de recursos que pueden ayudarte a conocer el enfoque que proponemos.
Vídeos del Proyecto de Desarrollo Infantil
Testimonios del Instituto PRIMED
Libros para líderes y educadores
PRIMED for Character
Berkowitz, M. W. (2021). PRIMED for Character: Six design principles for School Improvement. Routledge.
Modelo PRIMED para la educación del carácter: Seis principios esenciales para la mejora escolar
Berkowitz, M. W. (2022). Modelo PRIMED para la educación del carácter: Seis principios esenciales para la mejora escolar. EUNSA.
An Ethic of Excellence
Berger, R. (2003). An Ethic of Excellence: Building a Culture of Craftsmanship with Students. ERIC.
Leaders of their own learning
Berger, R., Rugen, L., Woodfin, L., & Education, E. L. (2014). Leaders of their own learning: Transforming schools through student-engaged assessment. John Wiley & Sons.
Educating for Character
Lickona, T. (1991). Educating for Character: How our Schools can Teach Respect and Responsibility. Bantam Books.
Character Matters
Lickona, T. (2004). Character Matters: How to Help our Children Develop Good Judgment, Integrity, and Other Essential Virtues. Simon & Schuster.
Building an intentional school culture
Elbot, C. F., & Fulton, D. (2007). Building an intentional school culture: Excellence in academics and character. Corwin.
El coraje de enseñar: Explorando el paisaje interior de la vida de un maestro
Palmer, P. J. (2007). El coraje de enseñar: Explorando el paisaje interior de la vida de un maestro. Sirio.
The courage to teach: Exploring the inner landscape of a teacher’s life
Palmer, P. J. (2007). The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. Jossey-Bass.
Eight habits of the heart for educators
Taulbert, C. (2006). Eight habits of the heart for educators: Building strong communities through timeless values. Corwin Press.
Building learning communities with character
Novick, B., Kress, J. S., & Elias, M. J. (2002). Building learning communities with character: How to integrate academic, social, and emotional learning. ASCD.
Vincent, P., Grove, D., & Lamb, J. (2013). Relationships+Rules+Routines=Results: A common sense approach. Character Development Group.
Reaching the Heart of Leadership
Glaze, A. (2017). Reaching the Heart of Leadership: Lessons Learned, Insights Gained, Actions Taken. Corwin.
Redesigning schools for effective character education through leadership: The case of PRIMED Institute and vLACE
Dabdoub, J. P., Salgado, D., Bernal, A., Berkowitz, M. W., & Salaverría, A. R. (2023). Redesigning schools for effective character education through leadership: The case of PRIMED Institute and vLACE. Journal of Moral Education.
Recursos para profesores
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